With the sun shining through my back door this afternoon, I sat at the machine and started to sew. Every now and then there would be a little extra pressure on the machine foot applied from a small hand in between crawling adventures around the house. The result is 10 new nappy wallets ready to be sold.
Humpy Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpy had a great fall! Lucky he had his wipes handy.
I have also been experimenting with oil cloth on the outside for it's waterproof qualities and cotton on the inside. The bagging out is a little trickier but the end result is pretty good. I think they look good and you can still fit everything you need in one package, a few nappies, wipes, paw law cream and nappy bags. Perfect for Mummas on the go.
Red and white spots lined with grey. White with black spots lined with red.
Red and white horizontal lined with solid red. Green and white vertical lined with green and white mini polka dots.
A variation on flocked wall paper. Red and white lined with red. Black and white lined with green.
If any of these take you fancy you can email me or keep your eyes on our Madeit store. Just search Gus and Kitty. I'll put them up there in the next day or two.
Hope you all enjoyed the sunshine today.
Kate Xx
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